Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Sri Karpagambal Jewellery, Thirumylai, Chennai.

With 4 decades years of experience in this field Sri Karpagambal Jewellery presents the most captivating pieces, designed to enchant you and focus has been on perfection. In 1969, the founder Mr.K.C.lakshmanan entered the business to specialise in Gold, Silver, Gems and religious Jewellery, we are Specialist in Diamond Jewellery works. Sri Karpagambal Jewellery rapidly established a reputation for absolute reliability, exquisite designs, exceptional quality and exquisite craftsmanship.

Sri Karpagambal Jewellery offers exclusive gold jeweler designed specifically for marriages, festivals and Pooja goods (Silver). In addition to that jeweler for everyday wear are also available.
S.L.SHRINIVAS who is the only son of the Founder helps to run the family business.
The designs available are both current and conventional and having been passed on through generations, the principle of purity and quality still prevails.
Personalised service and immediate contact with these experts are the highlights of Sri Karpagambal Jewellery. 
Sri Karpagambal Jewellery
(wholesalers/Retailors., Exporters.,)
Contact Persons : Mr.K.C.Lakshmanan, Mr.S.L.Shrinivas
No : 20, C.P.Koil Street,Thirumylai, Chennai - 600 004.
Tamilnadu. INDIA
Phone : +91 44 24641901, 32956465,
Mobile : (0) 94441 51904, 93809 28645.
e_mail :