Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Sri Jugal Kishore Jewellers Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

We, the entire family at Sri Jugal Kishore Jewellers Pvt. Ltd., adore and adhere to the deep-rooted south Indian traditional values. This admiration is evident in our hand crafted jewels which are crafted by the quality Chetinadu artisans called ‘tthattan’ who have inherited this art called ‘Kai Sadikkarai Valaii’ from their forefathers.
  • We always maintain a high aesthetic level in our design concepts. These timeless designs are all hand made using the same age old designing techniques.
  • Our unique designs have enabled us to have our jewellery shown in India’s leading newspaper like The Hindu.
  • The inspiration for our popular traditional jewellery designs come from museums all over the world. We always strive to maintain the highest level of quality in our distinct designs.
Sri Jugal Kishore Jewellers Pvt. Ltd.,
# 44/73, C.P Ramaswamy Road,
Chennai – 600 018.
Tamil Nadu.
Phone: + 91 44 24990936
Fax:     + 91 44 43009948