Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Carat Lane, Chennai

About Us

CaratLane.com is one of India’s leading e-commerce company and one of the most visible online brands since its inception in October 2008. CaratLane was started with a mission to change the way diamonds and diamond jewellery is bought in India. In 4 short years, this vision is well on its way to being realized.
Using our virtual DNA, we’ve combined flexibility with 24-carat customer service standards. With a network of over 4000 global vendors, we offer the largest collection of diamonds & diamond jewellery in the country. Sparkling solitaires & precious diamond and gemstone jewellery leave our factories daily, to our delighted customers in more than 150+ cities and towns across the length & breadth of India. Our business model helps our customers save up to 25% over retail prices. CaratLane is promoted by professionals who know the diamond jewellery business inside out as well as one of the pioneers of the online industry in India. Like all online businesses, we derive strength from having low overheads and low inventory costs. In addition, we do our own manufacturing and are not just a re-seller like most online businesses. We have a dedicated call centre to help customers.
Small wonder that CaratLane.com has been listed as one of the “Top 20 hottest e-commerce sites in India” in a Data Quest / Sapient Nitro study. Our website has also been rated the best in Usability/User Interface design.Our footprint is now set to expand. In March 2011, one of the biggest hedge funds in the world invested $6Mn in CaratLane.com. Our next steps can only be bigger and better!

Registered Address

No. 50/1, Cathedral Road
Chennai – 600 086

We're here to help

Monday to Saturday
10 A.M to 10 P.M IST
Sundays and Govt.Holidays
10 A.M to 8 P.M IST

Customer Service
Monday to Saturday
10 A.M to 7 P.M IST

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