Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Annai Jewellers, Tuticorin

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Pazharasam C. Paulraj Nadar was born in a middle class family. He was born to Mr. Chellaiah Nadar and Mrs. C. Poomarathammal. He started a small fruit shop in front of the Centenary Municipality Building and worked hard. Then he started a fruit juice shop. His kind manner and his hard-work brought him customers from Tuticorin and the nearby places to his fruit juice shop and thereby increasing his income in business. So he was lovingly called as “Pazharasam Paulraj Nadar” by everyone. He put his whole work into his business and through his honesty in his business; he provided fruit juices to all, thus leading to a great increase in his business income.
Even though fruit juice business is a small one, he did it progressively and earned better. He spent the money earned in his fruit juice business in other speculation and became a great trader. Not only in speculation, he also invested in Gold Jewellery Pawn Brokers business and in 1982 he started “Annai Bankers” in Kaasu kadai bazaar, Tuticorin. At that time, his three sons P. Vinayagamurthy, P. Muruganantham and P. Selvaraj helped their father in his business. Pawn broking business gained popularity among people. Only then they did get a chance to know more about gold and gold jewellery business. With this gathered experience, and after P. Muruganantham and P. Selvaraj completing their studies, they thought about to start jewellery business. In 1991, they started a gold jewellery shop under the name “Annai Jewellers” With his sons’ support, he improved his business with great confidence. Annai Jewellers which was started as a small business progressed day by day. There by Honesty and Quality started growing.
Thiru Pazharasam C. Paulraj Nadar not only had interest in trading, but also involved himself in Voluntary Social Services. For example, he helped in education, medical assistance, marriage and services to the aged and physically challenged were also enhanced by him. He was known as “Father of Society” with respect because of his services to the society. He worked night and day in his life and business, knowing that only hard-work makes us to reach great heights. Later, he died in the year 2004, but he lives in everyone’s heart as the “Father of Society”.
Until today, his sons have been the preserved vestiges of him by respecting their mother and father. They are following their father’s advice in improving their business through honesty and hard-work. The best example is, they not only brought a change in the gold jewellery industry but also brought awareness among the people, because they should not get deceived by the inferior quality gold jewels. In Southern states, “Annai Jewellers” were the First to bring the Indian Government plan of “Hallmark” for gold jewels. Moreover, they introduced “Hallmark for Silver” plan in South Tamilnadu for the first time. Due to their honesty in business, the small company was extended as a four storeyed grand building on 2nd November 2008, near Old Bus Stand, Tuticorin. Annai Jewellers Opening Ceremony was held most significantly. The people who came to the Opening Ceremony spoke proudly about their hard-work, their popularity among the people and their father’s blessing bestowed upon them. Above all, all the things were kept in order and well, and “Annai Jewellers” became the only company to be in the heart of the customers. Our Concern concentrates not only in trading but also does services in the field of education, medicine and the work of God. With the people’s support, we are happily announcing that we are going to start a branch in Kovilpatti.
Managing Partners
  Mr. P. Vinayaka moorthy Mr. P. Muruganantham Mr. P. Selvaraj
Home >> Contact Us
Annai Jewellers,
Pazharasam C. Paulraj Nadar & Sons,
Near Old Bus Stand,
269/7, Palai Road,
Tuticorin - 628 002.
Tamil Nadu, South India.
+91 461 4003900