Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Lalitha Jewelery Mart Private Limited, Chennai.

The Company

With a rich legacy that dates back to 1985, Lalitha Jewellery stands out amongst the various jewellers in Chennai, not just for its low wastage but also for the exhaustive range it offers and indeed for the depth and beauty of the craft inherent in almost every item it showcases.
The designs, all of them in 916 BIS Hallmarked gold, spell class, staking claim to mixed origins like  Mumbai, Rajkot, Kolkata, Kerala and Coimbatore regions. The quality of gold, certified as they are by the Bureau of Indian standards as 916 BIS Hallmark, is unmistakable. And the intricate workmanship that’s a hallmark of the Lalitha brand, is a fine attraction.
From the antique to the trendy, from small rings & drops to grand harams and oddiyanams, thousands of jewels dazzle across the four majestic floors of the showroom.
For all Kolkata, Rajkot, Mumbai, Kerala, Coimbatore, Antique, Kundan and Rhodium polished Gold ornaments, Lalitha Jewellery’s wastage charges are the lowest in Tamilnadu. Just 1 to 8% !In some very few items, the wastage is 9%. And there’s no making charge.
Plain gold jewellery apart, there’s a vast section for Jewellery stuuded with Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, etc. Closed setting of the stones is a salient feature of this jewellery range.  The stone charge is just Rs.199 per carat and the wastage is not more than 6%
There’s a separate floor for diamond and platinum jewellery, too. In diamond too, the wastage is not more than 8%.
Lalitha Jewellery also has a stunningly attractive collection of ornaments studded with ordinary stones, Pearl, Coral, Navaratna, American diamond and synthetic stones of all colours. There’s a unique offer in this range, too. 7% to 15% discount on the weight of the jewel you buy ! A wide range of charming jhumkis come with the 15% weight discount offer.
It’s actually a mixed crowd that throngs Lalitha Jewellery Mart’s vast showcases at all times, seeking their perfect choice amidst a plethora of models. A unique and leveling ambience that makes people of all income groups equally comfortable pervades across the showroom.

Contact Us

Chennai Show Room Address:

Lalitha Jewelery Mart Private Limited

No-123, Usman Road,Panagal Park,
T Nagar, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600017, India.

Landline: +91 44 2814 1155
Email: info@lalithajewellery.net
Website: www.lalithajewellery.net

Madurai Show Room Address:

Lalitha Jewellery & Textiles

180-182, South Masi Street, Madurai-01.

Landline: (0452) 2330 222 / 444 / 555
Email: info@lalithajewellery.net